What do the “Lawyer Cat” meme and Windows 11 have in common? They both require a tech upgrade. The not so tech-savvy lawyer who accidentally made his face into a cat avatar during an online meeting due to his older PC and lack of tech knowledge could be one of many who need an upgrade. Windows 11 is likely to need users to have newer home PCs than what they’re actively using today. This TUPdate reports on the age, household size, usage, and employment roles of online adults using older home PCs.
PCs for work before and through the pandemic [TUPdate]
Working remotely from a personal computer is not a new phenomenon—and it took hold long before the pandemic. Most home PCs have already been allocated to work-related activities, but the type of work differs, and has been shifting since the pandemic caused a larger variety of workers to stay at home.
This TUPdate reports on the penetration of home PCs among employees, which activities employees use their home PCs for, the prominence of work-provided PCs, the age of the home PC-using employee, and work-from-home status. It measures online adults in the US, Germany, UK, and Japan in 2019 and 2020.
Work PC and tablet use among female American employees varies by employment role [MetaFAQs]
Do most female American employees use employer-provided PCs? Which employment roles have higher use than others? This MetaFAQs reports on the percentage of American female employees that regularly use an employer-provided PC or tablet, split by work desktops and work notebooks/laptops.
Working from home with what you have [TUPdate, MetaFacts Pulse Survey]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, April 17, 2020 Two out of three employees suddenly working from home are not well-supported by their employers, at least not with their technology. Among the largest US employers, 18.6 million employees working at home are doing so without a work PC. This is almost half (47%) of all US…