One in five (22%) online Americans regularly use an Apple computer. They skew younger than the average online American. This MetaFAQs profiles users of Apple computers by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age, age within gender, life stage, number of home PCs, and technology ecosystems.
The decline of Meta among younger adults
Meta’s three main properties—Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp—have been waning in popularity from 2016 to 2021 among online adults. A major contributor to this is the younger generation, especially when it comes to use of Meta’s former namesake, Facebook.
This TUPdate reports on Meta’s active American users of Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and any of the three (net) from 2016 to 2021. This report also considers younger online adults (aged 18-24) in the US and Germany.
Profile of Americans using Dell PCs
Dell PCs are so widely distributed that their users nearly mirror the population of online American adults. Dell PC users constitute just short of a quarter of all online American adults and cover a wide range of demographics.
This MetaFAQs reports on Americans who regularly use a Dell PC in 2021 by age and gender, life stage, number of home PCs, and technology ecosystem.
Technology Use Among American Seniors 75+
American online seniors aged 75 and older are more active and numerous than may be expected, accounting for ten million Americans. This TUPdate reports on the mixture of connected devices in active use – home PCs, smartphones, tablets, and feature phones, and how many of these they actively use. It also shows which activities these busy seniors do with their devices and how many regularly conduct the given activity. Furthermore, this TUPdate describes which consumer electronics are being used for entertainment purposes and the share of this segment that use wearables or smart homes.
Technology profile of alone American seniors
Online Americans aged 65 and older and who live alone are one of many socioeconomically disadvantaged groups. During the pandemic, many have been adversely affected by not having robust technology such as can be used for communication or delivery of food or medicine. This TUP analysis reports on this group and which active connected devices they use, how many they regularly use, how intensively they use them, and their work from home status.
Highlights: Devices
There has been a sea change in which connected devices people use as well as how they use them. This TUP Highlights report details the trends in device ownership, the shifts between technology ecosystems, and market penetration levels. It spells out the major activities for each type of device, and how usage has changed. Furthermore, it details how many employees use personal devices for remote work.
Technology profile of Asian American college graduates
The COVID pandemic made clear many socioeconomic inequities between Americans, as the impact of the virus was felt differently in great part depending on their educational attainment, occupation, employment status, and other factors.
This TUPdate focuses on one segment – Americans aged 18 and older who have graduated college and identify as Asian – reporting their market size and profiling their usage of connected devices, which devices they do or don’t use, how much they use them, and the intensity of changes since before the pandemic.
Technology profile of multi-ethnic Americans aged 18-49
Online Americans that identify as multi-ethnic and are aged 18-49 are unique in many ways. This TUP reports on this group and which active connected devices they use, how many they regularly use, how intensively they use them, and their work from home status.
Technology profile of Black Americans aged 18-49
The COVID pandemic made clear many socioeconomic inequities between Americans, as the impact of the virus was felt differently in great part depending on their educational attainment, occupation, employment status, and other factors.
This TUPdate focuses on one segment – Americans aged 18 to 49 who identify as Black or African-American – reporting their market size and profiling their usage of connected devices, which devices they do or don’t use, how much they use them, and the intensity of changes since before the pandemic.
Purchase plans for smartphones and tablets by OS, country, and age
Globally, more online adults plan to buy an iPhone than buy an Android smartphone. In purchase plans, iPads lead Android tablets even more substantially. The gap and direction vary by country and age of the respondent. This MetaFAQs reports purchase plans among online adults by device type, country, and age group.