Game consoles get most of the attention in the gaming market. Many more online adults actively play immersive or other games using their connected devices – smartphones, tablets, or computers – than use game consoles. Outside of the US, Windows PCs outnumber smartphones as the game-playing platform of choice, especially in Germany and Japan. This TUP analysis reports the number of online adults actively playing immersive or other games by platform type and country.
Windows notebook usage by socioeconomic groups
Windows laptop/notebook computers have declined in use during the pandemic, especially among traditionally disadvantaged groups of Americans. No traditionally disadvantaged groups have higher market penetration rates than those historically advantaged. Employment status is a major factor associated with Windows laptop usage, less so than age.
This TUPdate looks at the profile of American adults who currently use a Windows laptop/notebook along several lines: the socioeconomic group they are part of, their life stage, employment status, and age.
Windows PC usage & plans by socioeconomic groups
Windows PCs have declined in use during the pandemic, especially among traditionally disadvantaged groups of Americans. No traditionally disadvantaged groups have higher market penetration rates than those historically advantaged. Older employed Americans have sustained their Windows PC use while rates among Gen Z adults have plummeted.
This TUPdate looks at the profile of American adults who currently use a Windows PC along several lines: the socioeconomic group they are part of, their life stage, employment status, and age.
Home Windows PC usage by socioeconomic groups
Fewer Americans actively use a home Windows PC than in 2018 before the pandemic. With each passing year, Americans in nearly every sociodemographic group have reduced their active use of a Windows PC home computer. Seniors and traditionally advantaged Americans stand out for having the highest penetration rates.
This TUPdate looks at the profile of American adults who currently use a personally owned home Windows PC along several lines: the socioeconomic group they are part of, their life stage, employment status, and age.
Technology penetration among American employees, generations, and remote workers
Older adults and those working at larger firms have more technology products than other online Americans, with a few notable exceptions. Americans working from home have higher computer use than other Americans, including home-owned PCs. This MetaFAQs reports several highlights from the published TUP tables focused on the key technology devices Americans actively use. This table set is labeled 250 DEV_KEY, and the selected tables for this MetaFAQs are split by age group, employer size, and work-from-home status. It specifically focuses on the key device metrics which show the penetration of smartphones, computers, tablets, game consoles, and printers. It further splits out iPhones from Android smartphones and home computers from those provided by employers or others such as school or library computers.
Windows and Apple computers decline in use while iPhone and Androids battle
Online adults around the world have continued to use fewer devices than in the past. Computers have been declining in use both in numbers and overall market penetration. Windows PCs have continued their trend of being used by fewer adults, as smartphones grow in their breadth of usage. This MetaFAQs reports on the percentage of online adults using Windows PCs, Apple Macs, Apple iPhones, Android smartphones, Apple iPads, Android tablets, and Windows tablets.
The abundance of technology among workers working from home
The majority of workers working from home have a range of connected devices available to use for work-related activities, although not all are employer-provided devices. The collection of devices among workers working from home is larger and more varied than those being used by workers not working from home.
This MetaFAQs details those key technology devices that are used more often by American and global (US, Germany, UK, Japan, China) workers working from home than those not working from home.
Consumer tech sentiment weakened
Forward consumer sentiment for buying technology products has weakened substantially in the last year, impacting many products from computers to Apple Watch. This MetaFAQs reports on the change in purchase plans between 2021 and 2022 for many products: smartphones, laptops, desktops, wearables, printers, and Chromebooks.
Profile of Americans who recently acquired an Apple iPhone
Apple holds an important place in the market, but how many and who are the users getting new iPhones? Those with a new Apple iPhone constitute 8% of all online American adults. This MetaFAQs profiles those with a recently acquired Apple iPhone by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age and gender; employment status; household size; life stage (age, employment status, presence of children); employment status; and technology ecosystem entrenchment. Report [TUP_doc_2022_0803_new_] in TUP Lenses: Devices, Mobile Phones, User Profile, Technology Ecosystems.
Profile of Americans with the oldest computers
Who’s using the oldest computers? Does the user’s age play a factor in the age of the computer? 51.5 million, or 24% of all online American adults, are using the oldest computers. This MetaFAQs profiles those using the oldest computers by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age and gender; employment status; household composition; life stage (age, employment status, presence of children); and employment status. Report [TUP_doc_2022_0802_old] in TUP Lenses: PCs, Devices, User Profile.