Work-related video conferences had been growing in use even before the pandemic. Platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Webex solidified their prominence, even while employees have many other ways to communicate – email, text, and collaboration platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams. Nearly between 33% and 43% of employees in the US, UK, Germany, and Japan regularly use one of their connected devices to participate in work-related video group meetings. This MetaFAQs reports on the number of employees regularly using their connected devices for work-related video group meetings, detailing each device type used – smartphone, home PC, work PC, or tablet – by the size of their employer: <20 employees, 20-499 employees, or 500+ employees.
Profile of American enterprise employees using Apple/Windows work computers
How have Apple Macs done in US enterprise? Are certain American enterprise employees more Apple Mac-oriented than others? Are Macs used more in certain employer roles or industries? This TUP analysis reports on the split between Apple and Windows computers by employer role and industry, as well as the trend in same-versus-mixed OS usage among employees in American organizations with 1,000 or more employees.
Device activities among American enterprise employees
Do American enterprise employees use Apple Macs differently than they use Windows PCs? Are their activities different with iPads than with Android tablets, or different with iPhones than Android smartphones? This TUP analysis reports on the most unique activities by platform among American employees in organizations with 1,000 or more employees.
Employer profile of those working from home [TUPdate]
Working from home has been a widespread response to the pandemic, although it is not an option for everyone, nor does every employer support it. Nearly a third of employees that work from home work for an employer with less than 20 employees, twice the rate of those not working from home. This TUPdate reports on online Americans that do and don’t work from home by employer size and employment status.
Great expectations – of still working from home [MetaFAQs]
Employees expect to return to pre-pandemic levels. In one year (in August 2022), 13% of employees globally expect to be working from home always or the majority of the time. Among American employees, this share is 25%. In one year (in August 2022), 70% of employees globally expect to be working from home at least occasionally. Among American employees, this share is nearer to two-thirds (63%).
Working from home – size of segments
Working from home is wholly new to some people, old hat to others, and not experienced by yet others. Seasoned workers – those who ever worked from home before the pandemic and do so now – make up the largest segment of online adults. The second-largest group is diametrically opposed – having never worked from home and not currently doing so. This MetaFAQs reports on the size of four segments by their prior and current experience of working from home.
Demographics profile of smartphone users [MetaFAQs]
While smartphone adoption has grown to dominance, market penetration has not been equal across all demographic groups. This MetaFAQs reports on the penetration of active smartphone use by employment status, age group, and work-from-home status for the US and globally (US, Germany, UK, Japan, China-upper-educated).
Personal devices get the work done [MetaFAQs]
Employees use personally owned home PCs for work. Well before the pandemic, this has been a widespread practice. This MetaFAQs reports on the work-related activities done with home PCs among employees that work from home and those that do not. It also compares home PC activities from the 1987 wave of TUP.
PCs for work before and through the pandemic [TUPdate]
Working remotely from a personal computer is not a new phenomenon—and it took hold long before the pandemic. Most home PCs have already been allocated to work-related activities, but the type of work differs, and has been shifting since the pandemic caused a larger variety of workers to stay at home.
This TUPdate reports on the penetration of home PCs among employees, which activities employees use their home PCs for, the prominence of work-provided PCs, the age of the home PC-using employee, and work-from-home status. It measures online adults in the US, Germany, UK, and Japan in 2019 and 2020.
Purchase plans among employees working only from home [MetaFAQs]
Many employees who work only from home have plans to purchase new technology. This MetaFAQs reports on employees who work only from home who plan to purchase a desktop or mobile PC, notebook/laptop PC, desktop PC, Chromebook, tablet, smartphone, Apple iPhone, or Android Smartphone in the US, UK, Germany, Japan, China, and India in 2020.