Smartphone replacement sooner in the US, UK, and China, especially among later generations – Keeping smartphones fresh and new is the current practice of most online adults throughout the US, UK, and China. Half or more of the online adults in these countries acquired a smartphone within the last 18 months. Online adults in Germany and Japan, however, are keeping their smartphones longer. In these countries, nearer to three in eight online adults have phones this new. Typical German and Japanese cultural values encourage people to keep many consumer products until they are no longer functional instead of replacing them simply because there are newer ones available. Ecological and economic concerns also contribute to keeping electronics longer than average, as well as country-specific carrier agreements.
This MetaFAQs reports when smartphone users acquired their smartphone by age generation and country. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1113_spne] in TUP Lenses: Mobile Phones; User Profile