Apple is well known for being marketers, more so than simply being device makers. Their focus has helped them attract and retain a unique set of customers, historically earlier adopters and those of upper-socioeconomic standing. However, as Apple has continued to broaden its market to sustain growth, the “different” qualities of its active customer may diminish, causing their customer base to become less different than the average consumer.
This one-time TUP data cut profiles smartphone users by those using an Apple iPhone versus users of any other smartphone. We provide a comprehensive demographic profile of current iPhone users’ usage levels in hours and breadth of activities. MetaFacts further identifies the activities conducted most often, including remote work status. Furthermore, we profile the AI attitudes and behaviors of iPhone and non-Apple smartphone users.
The TUP data cut features a set of standardized cross-tabulations from TUP/Technology User Profile 2024 in Excel format. The results are drawn from 10,844 smartphone users across the US, Germany, the UK, and Japan. It also includes a topline summary.