Profile of Americans who wear a fitness tracker

Who’s tracking their fitness? Are online Americans still using fitness trackers to count their steps—and more? 17% of all online American adults report using a wearable electronic activity tracker (like FitBit) at least once per month.

This MetaFAQs reports on Americans in 2021 who wear a fitness tracker by age group, age within gender, employment status, household size, life stage, educational attainment, home PCs, technology ecosystem involvement, and technology ecosystem entrenchment.

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Profile of Americans who wear an Apple Watch

Smartwatches are about more than telling the time. Apple Watch has made its most substantial inroads among employed Americans, with children and neither the youngest nor the oldest adults. This MetaFAQs profiles the 32.7 million (17%) online Americans actively using an Apple Watch, detailing the critical demographic and behavioral factors that distinguish them from the average American online adult: age, age within gender, employment status, household size, life stage, number of home PCs, and technology ecosystems.

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Smart speaker penetration

Smart speakers are making themselves heard, although at a relatively low volume. Between 9% and 19% of online adults across the US, UK, Germany, and Japan regularly use at least one smart speaker – a wireless speaker that can be used with a voice assistant. They skew somewhat younger than the average online adult. This MetaFAQs reports on the percentage of online adults in the US, Germany, the UK, and Japan who regularly use a smart speaker by age group.

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Profile of voice assistant users

Using our voice offers the chance to get things done without typing when using a smart speaker or another connected device – smartphone, PC, or tablet. However, current usage has not reached even half of the population. This MetaFAQs reports on the percentage of online adults in the US, Germany, UK, and Japan that regularly use a voice assistant or smart speaker, detailed by age group.

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Highlights: Devices

There has been a sea change in which connected devices people use as well as how they use them. This TUP Highlights report details the trends in device ownership, the shifts between technology ecosystems, and market penetration levels. It spells out the major activities for each type of device, and how usage has changed. Furthermore, it details how many employees use personal devices for remote work.

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Breadth of voice assistant usage

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, December 13, 2021

Actively using a voice assistant or smart speaker

  • This analysis focuses on those people who are actively using a voice assistant or smart speaker
    • Have used a connected device to use a voice assistant within the previous month
      • Smartphone, PC, or tablet
    • Have a smart speaker
  • Base: all online adults

Active voice assistant usage by platform – US

  • The overall use of a voice assistant or smart speaker has only slightly increased between 2019 and 2021
  • Smart speaker usage has grown the most among American online adults, rising from 11% in 2019 to 19% in 2021
  • Voice assistant usage with other connected devices has not changed markedly
  • Voice assistant usage with a smartphone continues to outpace smart speaker use
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