Breadth of voice assistant usage

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, December 13, 2021

Actively using a voice assistant or smart speaker

  • This analysis focuses on those people who are actively using a voice assistant or smart speaker
    • Have used a connected device to use a voice assistant within the previous month
      • Smartphone, PC, or tablet
    • Have a smart speaker
  • Base: all online adults

Active voice assistant usage by platform – US

  • The overall use of a voice assistant or smart speaker has only slightly increased between 2019 and 2021
  • Smart speaker usage has grown the most among American online adults, rising from 11% in 2019 to 19% in 2021
  • Voice assistant usage with other connected devices has not changed markedly
  • Voice assistant usage with a smartphone continues to outpace smart speaker use
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