Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, October 9, 2021
Profile of Americans using gaming PCs
- All online American adults who regularly use a gaming PC
- They number 25.3 million – 12% of all online American adults
- Defined as using a “Gaming desktop or gaming notebook – designed for playing video games, such as with special video cards and extra memory”
- Profiled by characteristics that are distinctive
- Only profiled by those characteristics which have an index of 80 or below and 120 and above – those which are 20% above or below the average by category
- Expressed as market penetration – the percentage of online adults within each group
- Distinctive characteristics profiles
- Age, gender, age within gender
- Employment status
- Presence of children
- Household size
- Life stage (age, employment status, presence of children)
- Number of home PCs used
- Technology ecosystems
- Characteristics examined and not found to be distinct
- Educational attainment
Americans who regularly use a gaming PC by age group
- Gaming PC users skew younger
- Game console use is strongest among the youngest American adults – aged 18-44
- Penetration among online Americans aged 18-44 is 19%-20%
- Beyond age 45, the rate drops steeply