The recent cybersecurity event involving Microsoft and Crowdstrike garnered much attention. It also renewed concern among consumers who may worry their Windows devices will be next to fail.
This TUPdate double-clicks on the devices people use in addition to a single computer, smartphone, or tablet. It splits out the share of online adults around the world (in the US, Germany, UK, Japan, and China) who use a computer, Windows 11 PC, Windows 10 or earlier PC, or Apple computer by the percentage of those who use other devices such as iPhones or Android tablets. It splits out the share of smartphone, iPhone, and Android smartphone users who use computers with Windows 11, 10, or earlier versions, Apple computers, iPads, or Android tablets. It also reports the multi-year shift in how many devices people use regularly. Report [TUP_doc_2024_0723_mono] in TUP Lenses: Devices; PCs; Mobile Phones; Tablets; Technology Ecosystems