Americans continue trend with more smartphone than computer hours

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, March 4, 2024


There is a certain stability among Americans, at least when it comes to the many hours they use connected devices. Since 2019, Americans used a collection of connected devices – computers, smartphones, and tablets – for more than 10 billion weekly hours. This number has remained largely steady in total, although it has shifted between the types of devices Americans use. Computers have continued to decline in use as Americans increasingly turn to smartphones.

This MetaFAQs reports on the millions of weekly hours Americans use smartphones, computers, and tablets, as well as the mean hours they use these devices.

A stable total with underlying shifts

  • The total number of hours Americans use smartphones grew strongly from 2019 through 2022, and has leveled off in 2023. Total smartphone hours surpassed hours using computers in 2022, mostly due to reduced computer usage.
  • Hours using tablets has remained a steady, if minor, part of the American experience.

Average computer hours decline to meet average smartphone hours

  • At the same time smartphone usage has broadened into higher market penetration, computer use has declined. The remaining computer users have continued to maintain a relatively stable average number of weekly hours, although this average has continued to slide since 2019.
  • Average smartphone hours rose from 2019 through 2022, only to slightly decline in 2023. That the average dropped reflects in part that a greater number of Americans are using smartphones than ever before.

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MetaFAQs are answers to frequently asked questions about technology users. The research results showcase the TUP/Technology User Profile study, MetaFacts’ survey of a representative sample of online adults profiling the full market’s use of technology products and services. The current wave of TUP is TUP/Technology User Profile 2023, which is TUP’s 41st annual.

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Lenses: Devices, Mobile Phones, PCs, Tablets


Tags: Computers, Devices, Hours, Mobile phones, PCs, Smartphones, Tablets, Trends, Usage

Waves: TUP 2019, TUP 2020, TUP 2021, TUP 2022, TUP 2023

Item: TUP_doc_2024_0304_hour


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